
For over 165 years, Woodstock has touched the lives of young people from all corners of the globe and from all walks of life who have come to this place to live and learn together. A Woodstock education combines the very best features of high academic challenge with a unique approach to the enrichment and personal development of young people. We prepare young people to earn a living and we equip them for success in their careers— we do these things with rigour, nurturing the potential and achievement of each individual. Yet the education Woodstock offers is designed to go far beyond these goals, to develop the whole person and not just a part, to help each individual to become, in the words of our mission statement, ‘visionary, articulate and ethical — equipped to achieve their full potential in leadership and in life’.

Hear it from our students


I am so grateful to be attending Woodstock for so many reasons. Woodstock’s support system for the student body is incredible. If I struggle with a maths problem, I can request a one-on-one with my maths teacher. If I need someone to talk to regarding personal issues, there are counselors and trusted staff I can go to. Everyone at Woodstock perpetuates the idea of support. Woodstock also has a huge range of extracurriculars, which encourages me to discover myself and my interests. My absolute favorite thing about Woodstock is that students here study and work on anything of their interest even if it is not listed on the school syllabus for their personal development and learning and I think that is what makes Woodstock special- it fosters a space for pure learning with ample resources, amazing opportunities, incredible people, and a learning environment. To able to go to Woodstock was the best gift from my parents.”  Jigmet Angmo, Grade 11

Woodstock has shaped me in so many ways. It has taught me to challenge myself and push myself out of my comfort zone. As I prepare for my future, I’m so grateful to have teachers, friend and college counsellors by my side for their incredible support. As I look back on my past experiences, I realise how Woodstock has taught me to love and appreciate myself. I have learnt to be a confident individual and a responsible citizen. There are so many opportunities to explore your passions and interests here – it’s amazing!” – Navya Sethi, Grade 12


A Parent’s Perspective


I feel being in Woodstock, my child is learning how to cope with life and many of its highs and lows within a community of peers, who are going through the same, under the watchful eye of a teacher or a mentor. She is learning to be responsible for her actions. She is making friends for life, with people from far and wide. She is getting world class education, from capable teachers who come to Woodstock to teach from all over the world. She is learning to be disciplined, not out of fear of punishment, but from the thought of being responsible. She is in an environment, which is a home away from home, with good food to eat and great teachers and dorm parents as advisors. She is learning to be considerate and compassionate towards her peers. I think , Woodstock is the best thing that could happen to her in her life at the moment. I think it’s special.” – Parneet Mehra, Woodstock Parent, Class of 2020


Get to know our Alumni


As a little girl I knew I wanted to be at Woodstock. I begged my parents incessantly to let me and my siblings attend. From fifth grade till I graduated, I loved every minute of being a student there. Woodstock played a large role in framing who I am. It is forever a part of me. Woodstock has always been, and remains a rigorous and challenging place to be both in and outside the classroom, that encourages students to be disciplined, principled, and collaborative. Living in a unique environment with and among students and staff from all over the world teaches us to consider and respect a range of opinions and beliefs, and to always be curious, empathetic and understanding. – Lauri Coulter, Class of 1981


Click here to read more about our distinguished Alumni