Contact Details Form

Every year Woodstock and WOSA host alumni events in cities around the world. Ensure your details are up to date with us so you are included on relevant invite lists. If you’re supplying your details for the first time, please complete as much of the form as you can. If you’re just updating some information, please only enter your name and the details which have changed.


Update Your Details


    About you

    I am a former Woodstock:


    First Name *

    Middle Name

    Last Name *

    Name if different while at Woodstock (ie maiden name)

    How would you like your name to appear?
    This is how your name will appear on all mailings from Woodstock.

    Year of graduation

    Email *

    Please click yes on the radio buttons below if you have any additional information to enter

    I have contact information to enter

    Contact information

    Home Phone

    Mobile Phone

    I have address information to enter

    Current Address

    Address Line 1

    Address Line 2

    State / Province / Region

    Postal / Zip Code

    I have education information to enter

    Education information

    First degree (level, subject)

    College/University name

    College/University graduation year

    Second degree (level, subject)

    College/University name

    College/University graduation year

    Other education information you'd like to include

    I have employment information to enter

    Employment information

    Employer name



    Business address:

    Address Line 1

    Address Line 2

    State / Province / Region

    Postal / Zip Code

    I have social media information to enter

    Social media handles


    X (formerly Twitter)


    I have Woodstock family connections to enter

    Woodstock family connections

    Do you have any children, siblings or direct relatives who also attended Woodstock?

    If yes, please state full name of relative, relationship and class year in the field below

    Please let us know how you would like to be involved in the Woodstock community

    Would you like to receive The Quadrangle?

    If yes, how would you like to receive The Quadrangle?

    Would you like to receive the Woodstock alumni e-newsletter?

    Would you like your personal information to be included in the alumni directory?

    If you would like to add a profile picture to the alumni directory please upload one here.
    Max file size: 2 MB

    I would like to contribute to Woodstock School in one of the following ways:

    Provide college advice to current studentsProvide career advice to current studentsMentor current students on their projectsBe a guest speaker at the schoolBe profiled in the alumni e-newsletter or alumni magazineHelp plan alumni gatheringsGive money to support school programmesHelp raise fundsI am unable to contribute at this time