Worldwide Woodstock Day

Every year Worldwide Woodstock Day (WWD) is celebrated to mark a global celebration for Woodstock’s school. Alumni around the world gather to remember and celebrate their time in the Himalayas.

Are you ready to hold or attend a 2024 Worldwide Woodstock Day in your area?

Email us to share the information, and we will help you plan and promote your event!

Organise a Gathering for WWD


Whether its physical or virtual, we encourage you to organise a gathering in your area. You can organize a small or large gathering (with our help) or you can simply be creative and think of some small symbolic way you can remember Woodstock school during the week leading up to Worldwide Woodstock Day


If you cannot organise or be a part of a gathering, why not call a classmate or send a postcard from your hometown to the alumni office!


Write or phone a former teacher who had an impact on your life!


Post memories of Woodstock school on its Facebook page or watch a Bollywood movie!


Or better still, join us for a virtual chat on Worldwide Woodstock Day!

Celebrations around the world in 2023



  • Oct 1st: Walk to Rajpur
  • Oct 2nd: Dehradun, India
  • Oct 13th: Thimphu, Bhutan
  • Oct 15th: New Delhi, India
  • Oct 16th: Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Oct 19th: Boston, US
  • Oct 20th: Pune, India
  • Oct 21st: Mumbai, India
  • Oct. 22nd: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Oct 23rd: Singapore
  • Oct 27th – 30th: FWS Annual reunion in Tempe, Arizona, USA
  • Oct 28th: London, UK
  • Oct 28th: Melbourne, Australia
  • Oct 28th: Homecoming and Mela at Woodstock School
  • November 5: Alberta, Canada
  • November 5: Hanoi, Vietnam
  • November 10 Tokyo, Japan
  • November 12: Seoul, South Korea

To find out more about any of these events, visit the registration pages on Eventbrite or send us an email on

For Alumni in USA, please do reach out to your regional reps to find out about any planned gatherings for WWD. Click here for Regional Reps (US)

The most important part is to let the alumni office know by emailing what you plan to do and where you plan to do it so that we can help by putting you in touch with alumni in your area or sending out your event information along with anything else you may require.

Photo Gallery – WWD 2023

Gatherings featured in pictures: Singapore, Korea, Mumbai, Nepal, Dehradun, and London

Read more in the articles below

  • The month of October is the traditional month of WOSA, and October 2023 was extraordinary! From Worldwide Woodstock Day alumn...

  • The annual in-person FWS reunion unfolded this year in Tempe, Arizona, spanning from October 27th to the 30th. The event witn...

  • Saturday, 30 October, was Worldwide Woodstock Day, our annual celebration for everyone in the school community, wherever they...

Worldwide Woodstock Day

30 October 2022


Over 300 alumni and members of our community met in 15 cities and regions, representing more than 10 countries, during October to celebrate Worldwide Woodstock Day. Many of you met over Indian meals, dressed in traditional attire, making sure that our diversity and the cultures that bind us together is celebrated to mark this important occasion. We have enjoyed receiving many updates and loved going through the pictures of your event! There are many others who might have connected over the month as well for the celebration of WWD. We encourage you to reach out to us and share about your gatherings.  


 WWD Toolkit!

How to start the planning?

  • Plan a gathering this October by getting in touch with –
  • Your FWS Regional Reps (USA)
  • WOSA Asia Committee Members
  • Class Reps
  • Anyone in your region
  • Get in touch with the alumni office to find out who is around you!

If you cannot organise or be a part of a gathering, why not call a classmate or send a postcard from your hometown to the alumni office – and send us a selfie from the post office as you send off your note! 


What activities can I do at my gathering?

  • Meet up for an Indian or other meal
  • Celebrate each other! Ask attendees to offer lectures on their topics of expertise, share about their businesses or places of work, their service activities, and more!
  • Watch a Bollywood film together; ones that have been shot in the vicinity of campus are particularly fun!
  • Create and play your own Woodstock School Playlist (or use ours!)
  • Dress up in your house colors, Indian attire, or Woodstock branded items
  • Get a Mehendi Wala for your gathering
  • Share your favorite Woodstock memories with one another
  • Write or phone a former teacher who had an impact on your life! – or invite them via zoom?

How do I promote:  

  • Reach out to Alumni Office to spread the news of your get together
  • Tag us in your pictures on social media
  • Share your pictures, testimonials and stories from your event with us
  • Share a postcard (or digital postcard) with your teacher, friends or us here on the hillside


How do I decorate the venue?  

  • Set up the venue with Woodstock memorabilia
  • Use brown and gold colours for tablecloths, napkins, etc.
  • Have Woodstock videos or photo slideshows on display (we can include: personal photos, photos from WS social media, videos from WS YouTube, slideshows from attendees photos in Whispering Pine online, etc.)
  • Print out items in our event packet (let’s resize the logo for table top decorations, name tags, etc.)