Woodstock’s Campus: Future-facing Heritage Spaces on and of the Hillside

Woodstock facilities upgrades are far more than just “pretty new spaces”.


Woodstock School’s 2018 Campus Master Plan saw the school taking impressive strides to thoughtfully and systematically breathe new life and functionality into the school’s outdated infrastructure. The work which has been completed thus far has been supported by a community-wide philanthropic effort to see Woodstock’s spaces not only serve as effective venues for lining and learning but to ensure that these spaces also reflect the school’s ethos, innovative spirit and connection with its hillside setting.

This page is to both thank those who have given in support of campus improvements and to share the amazing campus improvements we have achieved and can continue to achieve together. We would love to see continued support from those who have given towards campus improvements while also welcoming new supporters as we work to complete renovations and improvements across areas as diverse as Alter Ridge Dining Hall, the already completed Quad classroom funding, Parker Hall, outdoor sporting areas, staff housing, and more. It’s a big hillside that holds a special place in all of our hearts. Let us join forces to ensure it remains a place of beauty that aids in “building the body and training the mind” while nurturing deep connections in the community and with nature. Our spaces are not only on the hillside but also of it, just like those of us who have been privileged enough to spend some portion of our lives here.

Campus Improvements Community Points of Pride

Focus on Sustainability

As part of our most recent strategic plan, Woodstock School seeks to become a global leader in campus sustainability. Projects focused on improving campus spaces are planned for sustainability from the start, and renovations incorporate as many sustainable measures as possible.

  1. We choose renovation and refurbishment over reconstruction
  2. We reuse and recycle all construction materials that come out of renovations. For example:
    • Stones from old retaining walls were used in the construction of the new outdoor amphitheatre.
    • Since the Tafton building was not structurally sound, it had to be reconstructed to create the new Centre for Imagination. The stones that came out of the old building were used for cladding/outer facade of the new building. The wooden verandah columns were refurbished and reused as well.
    • We refurbish doors and windows whenever possible. When old doors and windows cannot be used, they are repurposed to make furniture for staff homes etc.
  3. We use only local materials and manpower for construction.
  4. We conserve and repurpose water. For example:
    • We are constructing rain-water harvesting tanks and using harvested water for flushing toilets and for agricultural purposes. The tanks include a 30,000-liter tank at High School, a 20,000 liter for the Quad, and plans for a 300,000 liter tank at Midlands.
    • We are installing water-saving low-flow fixtures as part of all renovations.
    • We are replacing our water lines in a phased manner. Leaks and pipe bursts waste an incredible amount of water; our recent partial replacement of water lines to date has already reduced overall water consumption from 250,000 liters to 150,00 liters.
    • We have also installed water flow meters on the buildings to track the usage of water. This lets us know if there is water wastage or leaks in a particular area.
    • A sewage treatment plant with a capacity of 60 cubic meters per day has been installed at Ridgewood. This reduces risks to public health and the environment, and at the same time generates 60,000 liters of treated water which is used for irrigating Hanson Field rather than pumping water up from Midlands Stream.

5. We conserve energy. For example:

    • We have installed a small solar power plant at the Centre for Imagination which produces 8 kilovolt amps, providing the building’s energy aside from heating.
    • We have installed solar water heaters at the Hanifl Centre and the Community Centre and in staff housing.
    • We replaced diesel-fired boilers in the dorms and the Quad kitchen with energy-efficient heat pumps, Saving almost 50% of the energy previously used.
    • We have replaced classroom bukharis with energy efficient VRV heating system that automatically adjusts energy based on each space’s precise requirements.
    • We have installed LED light fixtures and use motion sensors to switch off lights and save on electricity.
    • We are proposing to install 1-megawatt solar plant at Turner Organic Garden, which will meet 75% of Woodstock’s total electricity demand. We are awaiting funding for this project.

Long-term Viability and Functionality as a Priority

Woodstock offers many ways to get involved, including speaking and working with students and faculty through the Centre for Imagination, and volunteering on the school board. Contact the alumni & development office is you are interested in pursuing any volunteer opportunities.

For more information about ways to give and how you can support Woodstock School, please check out our FAQs or contact the Alumni and Development Office at development@woodstock.ac.in.

National and International Recognition

The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation

CounterArchitecture – Repurposing Places Conference in London (read the abstract here: Repurposing Places: Cocreation and Collaboration Woodstock School

Proper Safety and Hillside Environment Considerations

PA systems, fire alarms, structural stability, non-slip surfaces, improved security. Consulattion throughout the planning process from structural engineers and environmental and other experts.

Preserving Links to the Past Through Heritage Architecture

Reimaging Woodstock School’s campus, infrastructure and learning spaces to celebrate its 168-year legacy and heritage while providing a modern, flexible teaching and learning environment for the 21st Century to support their pedagogy, as well as vision, for the future. The project has adopted a community-led, people-centric design approach reflecting the school’s values of inclusivity, collaboration and treading lightly on Earth. The careful implementation of the project has been achieved through the integration of low-technology, recycling and upcycling of materials within the site, as well as the application of traditional materials and craftsmanship during the COVID 19 pandemic.  In keeping with Woodstock’s values of living sustainably, a strategy of minimal structural intervention was adopted.

Working within the historic structures and informed by historic use and design.

Modern Instruction Spaces Meeting Student and Teacher Needs

The brief of the project was to make the 168-year-old buildings future-ready, adapting to teaching and learning in the 21st Century while respecting their heritage and improve the resilience of the buildings to disasters such as fire and earthquake. The primary challenges were the structural retrofitting of the building to increase resistance to seismic threats, upgrading the mechanical engineering services, and integrating new heating and ventilation systems for the classrooms and science labs. State-of-the-art technology has been integrated into the design to make learning student-centric, providing flexible spaces to study, integration with ICT, smart boards, etc.

Comfortable and Inspiring Spaces for Living and Learning

Woodstock’s unique pedagogy, creates habitable outdoor areas and better reflects the school’s academic and strategic vision. In keeping with Woodstock’s values of living sustainably, a strategy of minimal structural intervention was adopted. The choice of materials and repair methodology were again based on the overall value and aesthetic significance of the building, the key objectives were choosing natural, robust, and locally available materials that were largely maintenance-free. The design of the spaces relied more on natural light and ventilation, reducing risk to earthquakes and fire by employing strategies for achieving energy efficiency through the usage of modern equipment.
Local Labor Employment and Skills Upgradation
The COVID-19 pandemic led to the upskilling of the Estate Department and to the employment of new ways of working and collaborating through virtual mediums. New graphic manuals and methods were developed to ensure the smooth implementation of works on site. It has been possible to sensitize the local craftsmen, contractors, and engineers of the conservation process appreciating the historic ambiance and material palette, which will have a rippling effect on other historic buildings in the area. The regular craftsmen were then trained on-site in conservation works, a rigorous system of documentation and monitoring of the implementation works was done on a daily basis by the Estate Department in the form of a Daily Progress Report. Many trained craftsmen on the project will go on to contribute to the conservation efforts in the region.

You can leave a legacy or celebrate beloved faculty and staff, classmates, and family members by giving towards a named space

Woodstock School has a handful of newly renovated spaces that, with a (single or crowdfunded) donation of 50% of renovation/construction costs or more, can be named for Woodstock faculty and staff, classmates, family members, and others. Contact advancement@woodstock.ac.in to learn more about current and  planned spaces available for naming/commemoration.

Did you Know?

Hanson Field’s irrigation needs of 60000 litres of water a day are now met using water treated at Woodstock School’s new sewage treatment plant (STP)

This has reduced environmental impact by eliminating the need to use water from Midlands Stream to irrigate Hanson Field. The energy used to pump water up from Midlands Stream is also saved.

Outstanding Heritage Conservation Maximizing Usability in Collaboration with the Community

 Woodstock School’s 2021-22 renovations of High School and Quad building classrooms and outdoor spaces was nominated in the 2022 UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Conservation Awards.

The Hanifl Centre for Outdoor and Environmental Education

“Through its design that promotes natural daylight, water conservation and the use of passive solar techniques for thermal comfort and water heating, the Center enables users to not only learn in it but from it.”

– Neeraj Manchanda Architects






  • HS20 – Bill and Dorothy Whitcomb Classroom funded by their children Catherine, John, Patricia and Robert, and matching funds from FWS. 
  • HS22 – Saroj Kapadia Classroom funded by members of the class of ’79 and matching funds from FWS. 
  • HS23 – Sybil Geisinger Classroom funded by members of the classes of ’62, ’63, and ’67 and matching funds from FWS. 
  • HS24 – Janette Cowan Blair Classroom funded by members of the classes of ’67, ’68 and ’87 and matching funds from FWS. 
  • HS25 – Bob Morris Classroom funded by donations to Canadian Friends of Woodstock School and matching funds from FWS. 
  • QS34 – Woodstock Support Staff Classroom funded by donations from members of the class of ’83 and ’01 and matching funds from FWS. 
  • QS35 – FWS Classroom in celebration of its donors funded by Friends of Woodstock School. 
  • QS30 – Almira Leslie Classroom funded by the Estate of Almira Leslie. 
  • QS37 – Savitaben Amin Classroom funded by Rahul Amin and matching funds from FWS. 
  • QS39 – Class of ’81 Classroom funded by members of the class of ’81 and matching funds from FWS. 
  • HS 21 –  In Honor of the Hilliards funded by donations from class members of ’52, ’60, ’66, ’67, ’68, ’69, ’72, ‘73, ‘81, ’95 and matched by FWS.