Winners from the Full Sail University Creativity Marathon

Winners from the Full Sail University Creativity Marathon

The Creativity Marathon from Full Sail University is a global video editing competition where participants were invited to create a 3-minute video addressing one of the SDGs. Teams would then compete against other schools in their country, and the winners would move on to compete globally. Woodstock enrolled 3 teams to participate in this challenge, and they competed against 60 teams from 27 schools across India. After weeks of hard work, they all emerged with amazing videos, with one of our teams winning an honorable mention for ‘best storytelling’ in the India pool, receiving congratulations globally during the awards ceremony. Hearty congratulations to Karla Pastoriza, Oscar Stevenson and Raymond Chirwa. 

Please do take a moment to watch their video and congratulate them on a job well done!  The video was about how desertification and how it is important to stop it.

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