Dhana disability resource centre reopens

Dhana disability resource centre reopens

For the past five years, Woodstock middle years students have visited the Samvedna Disability Resource Centre at Village Dhana on a weekly basis to interact with children with mental and physical disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to gain an understanding about different kinds of developmental difficulties and how appropriate interventions can have positive results. It has been a pleasure to see the friendly relationships which have formed between Woodstock students and the children who visit the center which is run by Landour Community Hospital.

On Thursday, October 5th, students and staff members who have been interacting with the children at Samveda were invited to celebrate the official opening of the newly renovated Samvedna Disability Resource Centre at Village Dhana.  The renovations were facilitated by the Australian government.  This special function was hosted by the centre’s team and included a formal program, tour, and a lunch, organized by the Community Engagement Department at Woodstock. The guest of honour, Mr. Timothy Kendall, the Economic Counsellor of the Australian High Commission, provided an accolading message to the teachers and staff of Samvedna to honour their good work, encouraging the team to continue their support of children with developmental disabilities in rural Uttrakhand. Other guests present included the centre’s students and parents, Landour Community Hospital representatives, and interested local citizens. We look forward to continuing our service with Samvedna, and to use the new space in our facilitation of student learning.

Community Engagement

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