Grade 12 students help out at Habitat for Humanity

Grade 12 students help out at Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity – Delhi – Grade 12

Eleven Grade 12 students now officially know what hard work is thanks to Habitat for Humanity.

This organisation works in partnership with local, grassroots and non-governmental organisations, as well as microfinance institutions, and vouches on the behalf of the loan and its homeowner to the Indian government. Habitat’s aim is to provide decent housing worldwide.

Working on two different sites, staff Dana and Judy Crider split the senior students into two teams, one with a Hindu family, and one with a Muslim family. Both sites were situated an hour north of Delhi beside a huge garbage dump in the slums in a village called Bhalswar.

Back-breaking work of taking down brick walls, stacking bricks and breaking up the floors with sledgehammers to create a five-foot-wide deep hole for the sewerage tank, coupled with carrying never-ending pails of dirt, made sure the students and chaperones slept well at night!

So apart from blisters on their hands and sore backs, what did the students get out of this incredibly hard activity week? Judy summed it all up by saying, “It was a great experience working together, helping each other, and getting to know our strengths and weaknesses. Our 11 students came from the Netherlands, Thailand, Taiwan, Canada, Korea, USA, India and Japan. We worked together as one; it was an incredibly international and diverse group that we were extremely proud of.”


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