Welcome to our New Advancement Office Members!

Welcome to our New Advancement Office Members!

Please offer a warm Woodstock welcome to our newest members of the Advancement and Alumni Office Team! Sanchali Chakraborty is the Office’s new Advancement and Alumni Office Coordinator and Data Specialist. She is the first point of contact for visitors to our office and will be managing milestone reunions, compilation of all that goes into the Quadrangle, and more! As her title implies, she will also be working to improve the information we have on hand about our alumni. Bob Shoemaker has recently joined as a consultant managing ongoing work to formalise the archives cataloguing 169 years of Woodstock History.

We asked Sanchali and Bob a few questions and here is what they had to share:

From where are you joining us? What did you do prior to coming to Woodstock? 

Sanchali: I used to teach the primary years students prior to WS. I have worked in the Music department for the last three years.

Bob: My wife Katie Jo Walter and I came to Woodstock last February 2022 from Eugene, Oregon USA. I have been retired for several years. Most of my time has been focused on wilderness fly fishing and lots of hiking with my wife and dog.

What is something that has surprised you as you have started to learn about our history and alumni community? 

Sanchali: I’m surprised to meet alumni who graduated in the 70s and 80s and are still finding ways to stay connected to WS. They are here to share their knowledge of the outside world with students and reminisce about their years at WS.

Bob: I was surprised how beautiful this area (Uttarakhand) is and the warm welcome we received from the Woodstock Community.

What do you like most about living here on the hillside? 

Sanchali: I love the nature sounds, hikes, sunsets, clean air, and plenty of family time.

Bob: The trekking opportunities. We get out as often as we can!

What are you most looking forward to in the coming months both personally and professionally? 

Sanchali: I’m super excited that I got this excellent growth opportunity to join the Advancement office and I hope to gain a fresh perspective on life through this new change in my role and responsibilities.

Bob: I’m excited about Cate Whitcomb ’66 visiting in November to give me guidance in making the Woodstock Archive a world-class archive.

When do you want alumni to reach out and contact you? What kinds of information can you help them with? 

Sanchali: I would like alumni to reach out to me if they need any information related to WS. Woodstock is a world in itself and I would love to meet people from different walks of life who have spent time studying/working here. I truly want to be there for everyone in order to strengthen our alumni community and engage with them as far as possible.

Bob: Alumni can submit to the Archives any photos from their days at Woodstock, as well as Woodstock historical papers. People can also contact me with questions about their family history at Woodstock and other questions. I will be happy to help in any way I can.

We are thrilled to have both Bob and Sanchali on board and know you will love getting to know them!


Interview by Katie Jo Walter, Director Advancement and Alumni Relations Office 

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