Centre for Imagination – Reimagine Learning

“We, the youth of the world today, are challenged by a field of service greater and more consequential in its effects than that of any other period of history. We are the embodiment of hope, enthusiasm, new ideas and the vision of a glorious future. Upon our shoulders has been placed the responsibility of building a new world.” Douglas N. Forman '34, U.S. State Department and United Nations Development Programme

Creativity and initiative are core components of the Centre for Imaginations work and vision. By encouraging students to find passion and meaning in their education, to identify the questions that they have, and the solutions which they seek, we strive to educate and prepare the next generation of global change makers.

Here are some of the ways the Centre for Imagination is contributing to how students and teachers experience education at Woodstock.

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In the effort to be responsive to student initiative, we allow the programme to flex in with the expressed interests of individuals or groups of students. Over the past year, we have supported a wide range of independent studies and projects including a weather/air quality monitoring station, gravity-powered lamp, the construction of a non-toxic plastic waste incinerator, as well as a number of thematic studies on topics such as group dynamics, human ecology, and political behaviour.

Resident Scholars at the Centre live at Woodstock for between three and six weeks, working within the CFI programme as well as in classes. The longer nature of their stay allows them to work closely and bond with students, helping with PASSAGE enrichment groups, evening events at the Centre, and providing open office hours where they can act as a resource for students.

From 3-D printing and graphic design to dance, music, painting, creative writing and gardening, the Centre provides the facilities and materials students need to make their creative ideas a reality, emphasizing the importance of the creative process, problem solving, and initiative.  

In alignment with our philosophy of self-driven work and learning, the Centre works to provide the space, support, and resources they need to accomplish their goals, whether they be personal, group-oriented, or impacting the community at large; ranging from academic inquiries and research projects to events and social activism on campus.

In the effort to help students and teachers meet their unique needs, the Centre acts as a resource for teachers seeking innovative ways to move outside conventional methods and better prepare their students for the future.

The Centre sees summer programmes as a way to offer immersive learning experiences and kick-start innovations like a start-up hub. The Centre currently hosts four summer programmes, on Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Media & Storytelling, and Art for Change–an exciting studio art residency.

Find out more about Summer at Woodstock.

Strategically chosen to align with the current monthly focus of the Centre for Imagination and complement the expertise of the current resident, relevant and engaging documentaries and films are shown weekly and followed by discussions.

Entering its fifth year, the Festival of Ideas takes an interdisciplinary focus, providing all students in Grades 10 through 12 with the opportunity to explore a topic or question that they are passionate about. Through cultivating skills of research, writing, and argument, students build their initiative and practice presentation skills while pursuing a project that sparks their interest.

[vc_cta h2=”” h4=”2020-21 Online Guest Workshops” txt_align=”center” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Click here to read more” btn_color=”inverse” btn_align=”center” btn_button_block=”true” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.woodstockschool.in%2Fcfi-online%2F%3Fpreview_id%3D37615%26preview_nonce%3De5050b8318%26_thumbnail_id%3D-1%26preview%3Dtrue||”]We hosted several professionals who organized exclusive online workshops for our students through this academic year[/vc_cta]


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