
GAIL Peru Conference 2024, Hosted by Newton College: A Transformative, Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience for Woodstock Students   The GAIL trip to Peru was a phenomenal experience, as described by one of our student delegates. The journey included a week of cultural immersion, visiting historical landmarks such as the majestic Machu Picchu, the capital...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] On April 8, the Centre for Imagination hosted alumni and Fulbright-Nehru Scholar Professor John Portz at Woodstock School.  Professor Portz, Class of 1971, was at Woodstock for a year in the late 1960s as a high school student.  He visited Mr. Prateek Santram’s...

The recent weeklong GAIL Conference, centered on diversity and hosted by Kristin School in Auckland, New Zealand, welcomed 10 student delegates from each school, including Woodstock and its three adult chaperones.   All eight GAIL schools representing various regions worldwide participated in a weeklong conference hosted by Kristin School. This conference also...

Over these last weeks, so many good things have emerged from our Centre for Imagination (CFI), including two fantastic student-led events profiled below The CFI is Woodstock’s dedicated interdisciplinary space, which cuts across different areas of the academic curriculum and aspects of our enrichment programme. Embracing an interdisciplinary approach is one...

In more conventional times, last week would have been our Spring Break, marking the mid-point in the semester and a brief pause before the build-up to the final flourish of the academic year begins in earnest. This year we have set the break aside to maximise the opportunity of having...

On Saturday, 11 December 2021, we witnessed the return of the Festival of Ideas, a Woodstock School institution which enables students to showcase their projects and talents to the wider community. The event is an initiative of the Centre for Imagination (CFI), Woodstock's dedicated interdisciplinary space, where students can pursue...

Saturday, 30 October, was Worldwide Woodstock Day, our annual celebration for everyone in the school community, wherever they are in the world. In a typical year, alumni gather together in far-flung places across the globe, to mark their time in the Himalayan foothills and celebrate their shared Woodstock experiences. There is...