Centre for Imagination logoThe Centre for Imagination transforms the way in which a Woodstock education is experienced in the 21st century – inspiring young people to discover that there is far more within them than they think, to discover their grand passion in life and to explore what it means to live from a strong sense of vocation. After all, when the imagination is set free, the horizons of possibility are infinite.

“Imagination is a way, I suppose, that dreams, longing, desires, even fears, link up with the reality that you’re in.” Albie Sachs, South African freedom fighter and constitutional judge


A Catalyst for Change


Educators largely operate within an industrial paradigm, the very model that gave birth to the problems our children will have no choice but to navigate. They enter adulthood in an interdependent, highly connected world. Tides of seawater, human migration, and racial nationalism are on the rise, to name just a few issues. Our islands are both literally and figuratively disappearing. Our education needs to reflect and respond to the world we now inhabit.


Since its inception in 2014 and following the inauguration of the programme in October, 2016, the Centre for Imagination has already grown, well, unimaginably! It has been my great honour and privilege to work with the students and staff of Woodstock School to bring what might have seemed at first a fanciful idea into reality. We have adopted a rigorous process of co-design.  At every step, student and staff voices have shaped the content of the programme and the nature of our physical space. The Centre for Imagination represents a truly communal vision for how we might transform the system of school as we have known it to meet the needs of 21st-century, global learners.



We need to empower young people to successfully navigate the global, systemic challenges ahead.



By showing young people the complexity of the world they inhabit, and encouraging them to take responsibility for shaping their future.



We imagine new ways of learning.

We inspire new paths of action.

We incubate new initiatives.

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