Summer at Woodstock

Summer at Woodstock's Entrepreneurship Programme is an immersive experience which covers the processes and approaches startups use to achieve success. Summer at Woodstock Entrepreneurship participant Utsah and Faadumo from Woodstock's Class of 2021 write about their visit to Evolve, a social enterprise making plantable organic stationary and has a mission to sustainably...

Aspire coordinator Priya Rollins explains why the social enterprise programme is founded on a philosophy of learning through doing.   Among educators, the old Chinese proverb, "Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I'll remember. Involve me, I'll understand" is well known. The idea of a child learning through experience results, not only...

Woodstock student Tanashya Batra shares her motivation for getting involved in Aspire, our new social entrepreneurship summer programme. Aspire is an initiative of the Centre for Imagination in collaboration with the curriculum advisory group. I am Tanashya Batra, a senior at Woodstock School. I am one of the people who worked on...

Woodstock Student Shanti Mathias introduces Aspire, our new summer school programme for budding social entrepreneurs.  Woodstock School has a long-term commitment to community service. This has led to some extraordinary achievements of student innovation in leadership roles. But what if there was a way to spread the advantages of the Community Engagement...