Art Tag

After nearly seven years at Woodstock, art teacher Adam Hubbard and family are moving back to California. Anyone who has met Mr Hubbard knows that he's absolutely passionate about art, with infectious enthusiasm that has shaped the lives of many of those he has taught and worked with over the...

At Woodstock, this is what embodies global citizenship: "A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world and has the disposition to transcend cultural, religious, and socio-economic difference in pursuit of the common good. Global citizens understand the only concept of 'we' that matters is the one that...

Grade 6 art students have been developing their observational skills by going big on some everyday items. Imagining themselves as giants, they've made huge replicas of some of their favourite foods and toys in Miss Genevieve's class. Blowing these up to such a colossal scale compels students to examine items they may...

Ms Dyson's Grade 12 English students are challenged to produce a creative response to a piece of modern literature.   This trimester, English 12 students read Pulitzer Prize winning author Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake and responded with a creative project. The novel explores issues of immigrant and multi-cultural identity formation, something many...

Grade 12 English students have been exploring a modern American literary classic, and expressing the challenging themes within through creative mediums including visual art.   Students in Ms Dyson's English 12 class read Toni Morrison’s Beloved (winner of the the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the Nobel Prize in Literature), which portrays...

Interdisciplinary Art enables students from grades 10-12 to experience and become more fluid across a range of different artistic mediums. It challenges students to stretch their skills and explore combining mediums and their thinking around them, particularly when working with techniques that are new to them. Teacher Adam Hubbard has worked...

Grade eight students are drawing inspiration from within as part of a art project to explore the more surreal side of their creativity. After examining different artists from the surrealist movement, including Salvador Dali, Max Ernst and René Magritte, they are creating their own works based on their dreams and subconscious...