
By Anne's nephew Lawrence MacDonald Anne Lockwood Romasco, who was born and raised in southern China during the tumultuous years before the Communist revolution, was active in the 1960s Civil Rights movement and served as the managing director of the James C. Penny Foundation, died in her home in Brooklyn on...

Ms Dyson's Grade 12 English students are challenged to produce a creative response to a piece of modern literature.   This trimester, English 12 students read Pulitzer Prize winning author Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake and responded with a creative project. The novel explores issues of immigrant and multi-cultural identity formation, something many...

On Sunday, 10th December, the Woodstock community gathered for the Christmas Chapel in the gym. Parents, students, teachers and employees were joined by a choir from the Woodstock Hindustani Church. Everyone enjoyed a traditional carol service which in reading and song told the story of the birth of Christ. The...

Anjuli graduated in 2005, having spent her senior year at Woodstock. She went on to Tufts University and studied Peace & Justice studies and Community Health as an Undergraduate Degree. She then did her Masters in Public Health and PhD in Epidemiology (how to design and analyze human health research studies)...

Students take a leading role in this week's Fall performance in more ways than one. Senior Subho adapted The Get Down from the TV series of the same name exclusively for Woodstock, eleventh grader Khushi choreographed the dancing, and drama and dance teacher Mr Heera has been ably supported by assistant directors Egor and Idika. And...

When Grishma finished tenth grade in Nepal and was waiting for her final results, family friends whose children were at Woodstock encouraged her parents to send her here. They had also visited the school once and had really liked what the school had to offer its students. Grishma graduated in...

On 28 October, Woodstock alumni from across the globe came together for Worldwide Woodstock Day. From Arizona to Toronto, and Sydney to (of course) Mussoorie, Woodstockers met to catch-up over delicious Indian food, and share stories of their time on the hillside. [vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid gap="2" grid_id="vc_gid:1510638835758-25e3cd91-08c1-5" include="27984,27983,27982,27981,27980,27977,27976,27975,27974,27973,27972,27971,27969,27968,27967"][/vc_column][/vc_row]...

[blockquote text='There’s something about the place, something about the Woodstock experience, which keeps on bringing people back.' text_color='#90231d' width='' line_height='undefined' background_color='' border_color='' show_quote_icon='yes' quote_icon_color='#90231d'] One of the most rewarding aspects of spending a lifetime in teaching is following the lives of the children you teach onto adulthood, finding out about their...

Activist and editor Satish Kumar made a big impression on Centre for Imagination intern Shatakshi Kabi.   Fifty-five years ago, when the echo of a nuclear test had become a recurrent experience in the world, two friends, 25 and 26 years old, started walking. Penniless and vegetarian, they walked for more than 8,000 miles to the capitals of...

A sense of adventure brought Madhvi to Woodstock from Mumbai! She remembers how hard she had to work to get her parents to say yes. Fortunately, they had friends who had their children at Woodstock, and allowed her to go to boarding school on the condition that it was Woodstock...

For the past five years, Woodstock middle years students have visited the Samvedna Disability Resource Centre at Village Dhana on a weekly basis to interact with children with mental and physical disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to gain an understanding about different kinds of developmental difficulties and how appropriate...

We share sad news that former Woodstock Board Member, parent and community member, Molly Taylor Lhamon, passed away on 15 October.  Molly Taylor Lhamon passed away peacefully at Emerald Heights, Redmond, WA on October 15, 2017 at age 91, after a remarkably full and joyful life. Mary Lyon (Molly) Seasholes was born...

Grade 12 English students have been exploring a modern American literary classic, and expressing the challenging themes within through creative mediums including visual art.   Students in Ms Dyson's English 12 class read Toni Morrison’s Beloved (winner of the the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the Nobel Prize in Literature), which portrays...