
Bringing together mathematics, an iconic 1980s video game and perhaps the Quad's best-loved institution, Four Square Transformation Pac-Man is a terrific way to engage students in transformation geometry. Each group is students is split into two teams, with one trying to 'eat' the dots on the board while avoiding being caught by...

A Harkness discussion on Truman Capote's In Cold Blood The concept of non-fiction as great literature is something Grade 11 English students are exploring with this summer's reading, Truman Capote's In Cold Blood. In this graded discussion they are considering the notion of truth in the American author's seminal true crime novel. Students discussed an interview...

Interdisciplinary Art enables students from grades 10-12 to experience and become more fluid across a range of different artistic mediums. It challenges students to stretch their skills and explore combining mediums and their thinking around them, particularly when working with techniques that are new to them. Teacher Adam Hubbard has worked...

Early years opened up their classrooms in the last week of term to show the best of their work to parents and students. Attractions included a cafe, with a healthy menu devised by students, a puppet show, and an underwater experience from Kindergarten.   [vc_masonry_media_grid element_width="6" gap="2" grid_id="vc_gid:1495784194436-2a9b946f-1cc8-9" include="25721,25722,25723,25724,25725,25726,25727,25728,25729,25730,25731,25732,25733,25734,25735,25736"]...

Sara graduated from Woodstock in 1981, having spent two years at the school. Born in Bombay, her family moved to Tehran in 1971, where she lived until they had to return to India to escape the Iranian revolution of the late 70’s. When her family moved back to India, her...

All the speeches from 2017's Graduation and Baccalaureate services, including from Valedictorian and Salutatorian Shar and Shanti Mathias, pictured above.   Valedictorian Speech – Shar Mathias Good morning Woodstock students, staff, friends, family, and the Class of 2017, Ad Maiora. We’ve gone through a fair few name changes, and to be honest, I wasn’t...

Last week seven students had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.   CERN is famously home to the Large Hadron Collider, by far the World's most powerful particle accelerator. It's also where thousands of physicists and engineers work to expand our understanding of the fundamental...

Hazel Ebenezer graduated from Woodstock in 2014, having spent 12 years at the school. She went on to John Cabot University in Rome and studied International Affairs with a minor in Business Administration. Hazel graduates this week and is going on to the University of Kent to pursue her Masters...

Fifteen year old Zohal Haidari arrived at Woodstock in July from Afghanistan, knowing almost no English and without a sense of what an essay in this foreign language might look like! Less than a year later, Maymester’s independent, interdisciplinary research project gave her space to explore an important question arising...