Education Matters

Summer at Woodstock's Entrepreneurship Programme is an immersive experience which covers the processes and approaches startups use to achieve success. Summer at Woodstock Entrepreneurship participant Utsah and Faadumo from Woodstock's Class of 2021 write about their visit to Evolve, a social enterprise making plantable organic stationary and has a mission to sustainably...

After nearly seven years at Woodstock, art teacher Adam Hubbard and family are moving back to California. Anyone who has met Mr Hubbard knows that he's absolutely passionate about art, with infectious enthusiasm that has shaped the lives of many of those he has taught and worked with over the...

Woodstock School is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Craig Cook as our new Principal. Learn more about his journey, life and passion.   Craig has family connections with Asia which stretch back over five generations. His great grandmother was involved with the famous Chefoo School in northern China. Craig earned his...

We are proud to announce that Woodstock is now a Council of International Schools (CIS) accredited school.  CIS is a global membership community working collaboratively to shape international education through professional services to schools, higher education institutions, and individuals. Its members include many of the best international schools around the world. The final award...